Game maker studio palette swap
Game maker studio palette swap

Collection Sidequest: In order to unlock Wave Man's stage and obtain his special weapon, the Wave Torrent, Mega Man must collect four lettered plates that are found in four of the Robot Master stages.When fired and it hits an obstruction, it splits into three smaller explosives which then explode. Cartoon Bomb: Dyna Man's special weapon, the Dynamite Wrecker.Two bosses are fought back-to-back before the boss refight stage where you battle the six remaining Robot Masters.

game maker studio palette swap

By defeating Wave Man, Mega Man obtains the Wave Torrent, which acts as a soft weakness to most of the bosses, as well as being powerful in its own right against normal enemies. Bonus Boss: By collecting all four WAVE letters, you can access Wave Man's stage, which is a remix of Oil Man's stage.Blow You Away: The Flying Bird Fan enemies that originally appear in Volt Man's stage.It can be fired in the eight cardinal directions, and will collect any life or energy drops it comes into contact with. Battle Boomerang: Shark Man's special weapon, the Shark Boomerang.Mega Man can do this as well, once he obtains the former's weapon. Barrier Warrior: Volt Man with his Volt Buckler.

game maker studio palette swap

Armor Piercing: The Flame Rush's fire wave can pierce through many enemy shields, including Sniper Joes.Arc Welding: CRORQ's rampage is said to be a result of the Expiration Date law in Mega Man 9.Adaptational Badass: CRORQ is much larger and more intimidating than he was in the DOS games.

game maker studio palette swap

Mega Man: DOS Remake provides examples of:

Game maker studio palette swap